AIME Announces New AIMEbassador Program
8 December 2020 • AIME Insider
What is an AIMEbassador I hear you ask? Well, the AIME Insider can reveal that this event-first has been inspired from the challenges of this year, including having to reimagine and rethink ways in which we connect.
The role of an AIMEbassador is to unite communities in coming together to help kick-start business in 2021 and beyond. Sharing their insights and expertise with the AIME community, they’re able to spark inspiration, creativity and really get people talking.
Stay tuned on AIME’s LinkedIn for more, with Q&As and profiles to be shared on the career journeys of our AIMEbassadors and their ideas on helping restore and revitalise the industry. Follow the AIME Insider for more updates on behind-the-scenes news, tips and odd happenings for the 2021 event.
Yours mischievously,
The AIME Insider.