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9–11 February 2026 | Melbourne, Australia

Knowledge Program

AIME Exhibition Show Floor


1.3 - The Elixir of Life

10 Feb 2025
MCEC room 208
Breakout Sessions: Self Leadership

The ‘elixir of life’ a mythical potion that grants eternal youth. A mythology we’ve been chasing since the beginning of time. Today we spend billions of dollars trying to look and feel younger yet we seem to have forgotten the magic potion of PLAY. Since 2017 we have been measuring wellbeing and one thing has become abundantly clear – It seems we have forgotten how to have fun through PLAY. What we have become very good at is being spectators. In fact we spend less time outdoors than maximum security prisoners and 43 hours of our downtime on screens each week outside of work. PLAY - Purposeful Leisure Activating Youth – also known as the prevention of loneliness, chronic disease, depression and boredom. Plus the magic formula to creating good culture. Could PLAY be the way we go back to being the best versions of ourselves?

3 Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the importance of PLAY has on their wellbeing
  • The positive effects of PLAY within organisational culture
  • How to live a more fulfilling life
Tim Jack Adams, Founder | CEO - GreenX7

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