What is meeting matching and how does it work?

12 November 2022 •

Meeting matching is the process you go through to create a personalised number of PSAs for each exhibitor’s and buyer’s diary. Once applications have closed and we have all the exhibitors and buyers confirmed, buyers then submit their filtering for the types of exhibitors they would like to meet and the types of event services that interest them. Exhibitors are also required to submit preferences for the types of buyers they prefer to meet.

For example – a buyer may indicate on their preferences that they mainly organise incentives which are between 60 and 100 attendees, and they wish to meet only international destinations, venues, airlines, group activities etc. suitable for that number of attendees.

Once filtering, such as this example, have been received from both sides, our specialised meeting matching AI software takes over the matching process. The software will consider the answers to all the filtering provided, and on that basis make recommendations to buyers about the types of exhibitors they can meet on the show floor ie. exhibitors who meet the criteria they outlined in their filtering.

Buyers and exhibitors are then given the opportunity to review and filter the recommended matches before diaries are finalized. For any changes you would like to request, you must contact the AIME team. The more preferences you put forward – the better quality your recommended meetings will be! At the end of the process exhibitors will have a curated diary with 28 x 15-minute PSAs. These PSAs are held on the show floor on Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th February.



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