What is the structure of the appointments?

3 March 2024 •

Tuesday 11 February – show hours are 9am to 5.30pm – PSAs are between 9.30am and 4.40pm

Wednesday 12 February – show hours are 9am to 5pm – PSAs are between 9.30am and 4.40pm

Fully hosted buyers: 32 x 15-minute PSAs – these are generally spread across two days with 16 each day between 9.30am and 4.40pm.

Semi-hosted buyers: 20 x 15-minute PSAs – these are spread unevenly across two days depending on the availability and compatibility of the buyers and exhibitors’ diaries.

Hosted day buyers: 10 x 15-minute PSAs – these are spread unevenly across Wednesday 12 February depending on the availability and compatibility of the buyers and exhibitors’ diaries.

All meetings are conducted in English and interpreters are not provided.



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