Collaboration through crisis

These unprecedented times brought about an unprecedented collaboration

Never before seen in our industry, the Joint Meetings Industry Council (JMIC), with the support of the four leading global industry trade events – AIMEIBTMIMEX, and Meetings Africa – aligned behind common messaging to speak with one voice.

Produced by The Iceberg, the webinar combined more than 25 industry perspectives from around the world, providing a framework for an interactive conversation with renowned global cities authority Professor Greg Clark.

The webinar explored what factors are most likely to emerge as industry drivers and competitive issues in a post-COVID-19 world in ways that will support industry members with their own planning and communications. 

AIME hosted the APAC edition of the webinar and gathered a panel of expert leaders to engage in a live Q&A discussion. You can access the full webinar recording below. 

Here, we come together as one industry to sharpen the value proposition of our industry – to make it easy to understand the critical role that business events have to play in the post-COVID recovery.

Rod Cameron

JMIC Executive Director


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